Maidens of virtue
I discovered this website yesterday and thought you would enjoy reading about this contest for young women!
Virtue Essay Contest!
The following information was copied with permission off of the website:
"In previous years we have done a poetry contest; this year we decided to do something different. Since we weren't sure how the response would be, we took a poll and poetry and essay tied! So we did a random drawing to decide and... essay won! For those of you who voted for the poetry contest... don't worry, I'm sure we'll do it again!
This contest is open to all girls ages 9 to 25. This year we have two age categories but both will write on the same topic, with different word limits.
~ Topic ~
True Beauty
Describe for us what true beauty is - what is the difference between "true beauty" and any other kind of beauty? What makes someone truly beautiful? What differences are there between the world's idea of beauty and what God has to say on the subject? Get creative and have fun writing!
~ Young ladies ages 9-13 ~
Word Limit: 350 to 700 words
~ Young ladies ages 14-25 ~
Word Limit: 500 to 1,000
The first 3 entrants in each category will receive a little gift from us! (Will be determined by postmark or email date - snail mail entrants have an equal chance at being in the first three).
Entries must be received or postmarked by May 1st, 2009
Go here to learn more about the prizes and exact details of the contest.
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Thanks for posting about the contest! I appreciate it!