These booklets contain concise nuggets of wisdom from your favorite home school authors, covering a variety of topics of interest to homeschoolers. WeE-books offer quick, affordable content that educates, inspires and encourages. When you need help, inspiration, and practical advice, you need it now; not a week from now, so The Old Schoolhouse has made WeE-books immediately downloadable to your computer; no waiting, no shipping fees. Having access to a WeE-book is like having your own personal home school support group, made up of experts in the field, ready to discuss what's concerning you today—waiting on your computer.
The three WeE-books I will be reviewing today are
Easy Fund-Raisers for Homeschooling Organizations,
Beating The Summertime Blues and The "Me Time" Myth.

WeE-book, Easy Fund-Raisers for Homeschooling Organizations
Easy Fund-Raisers is a great resource even if you do not belong to a homeschooling organization! This booklet not only suggests the fund raisers that are easiest and most effective but it also points you in the right direction legally concerning taxes, donations and non-profit organizations.
Many fundraising opportunities are in the things you already do! For example, many grocery stores let you link up your members reward card to earn cash back at the end of the year. You can do this as an individual school or as a local organization. Box-tops and pizza lunches are other easy ways to earn a little here and a little there.
Fund-raisers that require a little more time and effort are spaghetti dinners, dinner theatre and yard sales.
What I really appreciate about this booklet is the author reminding us of the bigger picture which is getting our families together to fellowship and that our time is best spent homeschooling!

WeE-book Beating the Summertime Blues
Are you dreading the heat of summer when the newness of vacation has worn off and your kids are asking what is there to do? This upbeat booklet will refresh you like a cool glass of lemonade!
Veteran homeschooler, Kim Kautzer, importantly points out that you, mom, need to find ways to replenish your enthusiasm so that your full cup will spill over to your family. She suggests easy ways to do this such as read that book you have been putting off, take a nap when the kids do or ask the husband to watch the kids while you take a quiet walk!
Even though the kids still need a routine to keep chaos at bay, try setting aside different times during the week for movies, games or a play written by the kids.
Worried that math, reading and writing skills are going to melt out of your children's heads in that hot sun? Find fun ways to keep their minds sharp with puzzles, reading lots of books and exploring different parts of the world online.
I don't know about you but I am already looking forward to singing a line from that old church song, 'It's Summertime down in my heart'! Goodbye Blues!

This WeE-book is one that encourages us to "examine ourselves in the light of God's Word".
We are so bombarded by the messages all around us that children are a chore and everywhere you look people (including ourselves) are discontent and unthankful. Well, Amy Roberts learned first hand how to gladly trade wishes for 'me time' with the joys of being a wife and mother. You see, they lost their fifth child , Emily, at the age of seven months.
Amy candidly shares with us her journey from trying to escape her daily duties to embracing contentment with the responsibility of caring for little ones and a spouse. She encourages you and me to instead seek out time with the Lord for that longing that tempts us to stray down the wrong path.
The word 'myth' was very appropriate I thought especially after I read several of the definitions givin to it: an unfounded or false notion and a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence.
So, as I finish writing this review I feel challenged to examine the places in my life where this 'myth' has distorted the truth. Will you join me?
Thanks again to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine for allowing me to
read and review their line of WeE-books!
***If you have any thoughts about these booklets please leave a comment. I would love to hear from you!***
Wow these sound great! My kids are just reaching school age so I have a lot to learn!