Sunday Subscriptions
I just discovered a lovely magazine for Christian single ladies called Watching for the Morning.
The purpose of the Watching for the Morning publication is to encourage young single Christian women in their journey of serving their families and keeping busy for the Kingdom as they wait on the Lord to provide the husband He has ordained for them in His perfect time and way according to His will. Each issue is a reminder to fully trust the Lord to provide, rather than pursuing a mate on your own through dating.
Go here to get your free Dare To Be A Daniel packet offered by The Billy Graham ministry.
It can either be downloaded or sent in the mail. It's definitely worth checking out!
The CD includes music and full Bible text.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
The CEF Mailbox Club includes six different age-related series of lessons, which are available in English, Spanish, large print and Braille. A series consists of seven to ten lessons, for which there is no charge.
After the student completes and mails in the first lesson, it is processed by a volunteer who prays for any needs the student might have, writes an encouraging note, and sends a new lesson. Students who complete the first series of lessons receive a certificate of completion and the 365-page Wonder Devotional Book. After completing the second series of lessons, students receive an age-appropriate book.
Go here to sign up.
Voice of the Martyrs(they also have a newsletter for kids called Kids of Courage!)
Open Doors
Above Rubies quarterly magazine (If you like this magazine ask for them to mail you more than one to give to local friends. It is cheaper for them to mail in bulk than to individual addresses.)
Institute for Creation Research has two free publications!
Heart Cry quarterly magazine
No Greater Joy (6 issues a year)
American Family Journal (6 months free)
The Word For You Today (free devotional
Free Bible Lessons (for ages 3-adult)
I get most of these publications in the mail and after I finish reading them I either pass them on to friends or leave them in offices like you would a tract! (dentist, doctor, etc..) I just make sure my address info is not visible. The majority of these are viewable online also if you prefer to read that way. The majority of these publications rely on financial donations so prayerfully consider donating to the one that encourages you!
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