CurrClick is offering the following free e-books.
These are great for homeschoolers or a supplement to what your child is studying at school already!

Have a great day!
These are great for homeschoolers or a supplement to what your child is studying at school already!
CurrClick-Free E-book
Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday (February 25th 2009) is the 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter (April 12th 2009). For many families, Easter just happens. Don't let this occur this year. Have a meaningful Lent by doing a special activity each day of Lent. Then fill in the fruit on the Lenten Tree Chart and count down to Easter.
They also have this:
Presidents' Day Holiday Helper is a short collections of high-quality literature, artwork and quotations which are easy to use during busy holidays; each one is designed to provide your children with uplifting and inspiring ideas and images. Read aloud and enjoy the stories. Encourage the practice of copywork and enjoy the study of great art of both Lincoln and Washington.
Picture Study:
Portrait of George Washington
George Washington Crossing the Delaware
Abraham Lincoln Reading to His Son Tad
Abe Reading
Abe the Rail Splitter
Famous Quotes of George Washington
Famous Quotes of Abraham Lincoln
The Cherry Tree
Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance
Our Homeschool Group is doing a unit study on Government and the President's this year so this is definitely an e-book we will be using.
Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday (February 25th 2009) is the 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter (April 12th 2009). For many families, Easter just happens. Don't let this occur this year. Have a meaningful Lent by doing a special activity each day of Lent. Then fill in the fruit on the Lenten Tree Chart and count down to Easter.
They also have this:
Presidents' Day Holiday Helper is a short collections of high-quality literature, artwork and quotations which are easy to use during busy holidays; each one is designed to provide your children with uplifting and inspiring ideas and images. Read aloud and enjoy the stories. Encourage the practice of copywork and enjoy the study of great art of both Lincoln and Washington.
Picture Study:
Portrait of George Washington
George Washington Crossing the Delaware
Abraham Lincoln Reading to His Son Tad
Abe Reading
Abe the Rail Splitter
Famous Quotes of George Washington
Famous Quotes of Abraham Lincoln
The Cherry Tree
Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance
Our Homeschool Group is doing a unit study on Government and the President's this year so this is definitely an e-book we will be using.
Well, I am starting to get the hang of putting pictures on my site and I have my first 2 pictures to put up where you can see two of my boys, Redd and Rusty. They are the two boys on the left part of the circle. They went on a field trip to see a musician by the name of Jubal Creech. He could play all kinds of instruments from Africa and was a great storyteller!

Have a great day!
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