Enter for your chance to win READ: Getting Your Preschooler Ready To Read.
This is a 128 page book featuring story building, phonics practice, interactive learning and pre-writing practice.
***I just noticed that I didn't put an end date to this contest so here it is: March 1st***
For entries do one or more of the following:
1. One entry for leaving a comment letting me know you are a subscriber.
2. One entry for blogging about this giveaway. Just come back and leave a comment with a link.
3. One entry for letting our readers know something neat you do to help teach your child a skill.
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Storytime Writing Contest
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is very excited to be hosting their second
Storytime Writing Contest They have two creative fiction categories: adults (16 and up, 2,500 words or less) and children (15 and under, 1,500 words or less). Submissions will be accepted until midnight, March 16, 2009.
Free Curriculum E-book
Click on the banner below to get this free e-book: Presidents' Day Holiday Helper is a short collection of high-quality literature, artwork and quotations which are easy to use during busy holidays; each one is designed to provide your children with uplifting and inspiring ideas and images. Read aloud and enjoy the stories. Encourage the practice of copywork and enjoy the study of great art of both Lincoln and Washington.

we do flash cards w/ letters and go over the sounds as well.
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ReplyDeleteMy girls are young, so I teach them by repetition and singing lots of songs.
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to try and think of ways to teach skills to my children, but I have to mention a DVD that taught my kids all of their letter sounds in one day. It's called The Letter Factory by Leap Frog and it's an amazing tool!
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I let my son watch the Preschool Prep videos. He knows his colors, shapes, can count to 20, his alphabet. He turned 2 in October. He loves the videos and never tires of them. He also enjoys Einstein videos.
ReplyDeletewe go to starfall.com to lean abc and phonic sounds
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ReplyDeleteI am a subscriber
blogged about the giveaway http://shopannies.blogspot.com/2009/02/giveaway-schoolbook.html
I love to bring my kids into the kitchen where lessons from reading, measuring as well as the usual life skills can be learned
i am a subscriber!
my son is almost 3 and he LOVES flash cards. i find some really good ones in the dollar section of Target. Is favorite are the Astronomy ones and he calls every star in the sky either Saturn or an asteroid.
We read a lot of books and I have started to sound out letters.
ReplyDeleteemail subscriber
ReplyDeleteWe do flash cards, read lots of books, have abc's on the walls, have a cool abc computer game. Puzzles with abc and 123.
We read LOTS of books, have a mini laptop that he loves, magnetic alphabet etc.
i get ur newsletter
ReplyDeletewell i will tell you when me son was 3 cuz teaching not working with my 6 yr old
ReplyDeletemy son has sleep issues so when he was 3 if he wanted to stay up past 7pm every 1/2 to stay up 1/2 he had to use his leap pad it was a great tool for him he was reading at 4 and is now at a 7th grade reading level and hes only in 3rd grade but this is not working with my other 2 kids so every kid learns different
I just became a subscriber. Can't wait to get your emails. Thks Cheryl
ReplyDeletejanetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I read with my grandson and we sound out letters.
ReplyDeletejanetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I subscribe by email.
ReplyDeleteBlogged here: http://www.brimfulcuriosities.com/2009/02/full-to-brim-kids-book-giveaway-list_20.html
ReplyDeleteWe read before naps and before bedtime every day. My daughter already knows all her letters and numbers because I've been reading to her since she was a baby.
ReplyDeleteWe read a book before bed every night. I have a book that has colors and my kids really picked up on colors quickly.
ReplyDeleteMy 2-year-old loves puzzles, so we spend a lot of time with alphabet puzzles
I subscribed
I am a home daycare provider and I work with the kids everyday. We do the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes and I also do a curriculum called Mother Goose Time which teachs a lot of different things. For example this month they are learning about stars, planets and space ships. They love the things we do and ask every morning when we are going to start.
ReplyDeletewe use leap frog items alot. while I am in the kitchen, my son and I use the letters/phonics on the refrig and go over them
ReplyDeletedctm at bellsouth dot net
My baby is just 11 months old, but we look at shapes and colours and words associated with them. I love books and I want him, to, too!
ReplyDeletegitrecca at gmail dot com
I suscribed.
ReplyDeletetreflea4 at gmail dot com
We practice writing letters and words in the bath tub by fingerpainting with shaving cream.
ReplyDeleteAs far as reading goes we got 3x5 cards and taped them to things with the name of that think written on it. I can always use other ideas though!
Singing songs is one of the best learning tools for my toddler.
ReplyDeleteWe play "name that letter" game as we drive down the road. They have to name the first letter on an sign we see as we drive by.
ReplyDeletewe make letters out of play-dough, and if I'm really inspired, an item out of play-dough that start with that letter. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteWe read a lot. We use the Sight Word DVD "Meet the Sight Words" and the refrigerator magnet game Word Wammer from Leap Frog. We also have the Tag System that she loves.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway
Angela C.
accoupons at gmail dot com
We read everyday and do flash cards with pictures. I think seeing and hearing help kids learn quicker. stef4916 @ gmail . com
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ReplyDeleteI just like to make learning fun and exciting. We try and make the lesson meaningful and how it corespounds with everyday.
We have shape cards where they have to say the shape. But there are also a few cards with a man jumping. When they get to one of those cards, they get to jump up. This is so much fun for all of us!
I try to make the learning time a game. Like with letters I print 2 copies of each letter flash card and turn it into a memory game. After they find a match, in order to get the pair they have to tell me the name and sound for the letter!
ReplyDeletekissyjensen at gmail dot com
I have kiddos in my home everyday, Daycare. The are amazing kids. We read a lot of books, Work on our letters, have flash cards, We are working on F this week. Should be fun my favorite day of the week begins with F.. Friday!!.
ReplyDeleteWe will eat foods that begin with F, we will play hide and seek with the letter F, we will make it Fun!!!
Have a great Day!
I read every night to my children. I also help my son learn to write his name and know his phone number. He is 4 and is doing great.
ReplyDeleteMy nephew has a blast with flash cards. I have the picture on the front and the word on the back. heatherstamper09@aol.com
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway. I am a subscriber and would love to have this valuable resource.
thegrossmans at carolina.rr.com
We do flashcards- nothing fancy- but it has helped him learn to count to 20- be able to red simple words like cat and dog, and more!!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is little so we read A LOT, sing songs, and do a lot of repetition.
ReplyDeletei am a subscriber thank you for the giveaway
ReplyDeleteI was notified that I won this prize and email you back in less than 24 hours and still have not received this prize. I have tried emailing your multiple times and I am getting no response.