Mathletics is a web-based learning program that integrates home and school learning via the internet. As one of the world’s most used educational websites, it is an online learning resource helping students to enjoy math and achieve outstanding results.
As a member of the TOS crew, I received a free 45 day membership to this site to use and share my review comments with you.
The Mathletics curriculum will help to teach your child/student from grades K-8. It is a safe online community where no interaction exists between participating students! Mathletics allows your child to improve their math skills through live 60 second math challenges against other students from around the world as well as self paced math curriculum activities.
For the most part our family does not use the computer a lot so for my son Redd, Mathletics is an important reward for working hard on his schoolwork. To him, it is a game and in my mind a great review tool.
Mathletics strongly supports homeschooling with 24/hr a day access, lots of printable progress certificates with a self-paced approach that features instant feedback to the student and parent.
Mathletics is offered as an annual subscription for $59 and has a 10 day money back guarantee.
There are several aspects about this site that I really appreciated. It is easy on the eye, simple to navigate, introduces healthy competition, and safe because it does not allow communication between participants!
For a student that does not like or do well with worksheets, this program presents a fun alternative that will keep up a child's interest in the world of math.
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