I have once again been so fortunate in receiving another excellent tool to use in the education of my children. I know you will all agree that being able to read and read well is necessary no matter what you are learning. A child/adult that reads well can pick up a book and teach themselves most anything. Schoolwork can be done more independently if a child can read and comprehend directions.
Up until this summer, I have used Hooked On Phonics to help in teaching my son how to read and been pleased with the results. However, when I was offered to review Rocket Phonics, created by Stephen Guffanti, M.D., I thought it would be a nice change of pace to use this in starting off Redd's 1st grade year.
I have been 'blasted away' by his progress! He was doing well with Hooked On Phonics but struggled a bit with the reviews that mixed different word groups together. With Rocket Phonics, that struggling has definitely decreased! Now when we are reading a book together and I have him try to sound out new words, he is much more successful!
I love games and believe they are a wonderful tool in teaching and reviewing with students.
The Rocket Phonics kit comes with all kinds of games that engage the senses and encourage physical activity as well!
For your children ages 3-5, the kit includes lots of big-movement, sensory games like Letter Leap where they jump onto a big letter when you say a sound. There are phonemic awareness games you can play with your kids of all ages as you go through your day. This skill of hearing and using the smallest sound parts of words is so important: it's the #1 skill tied to reading success.
Other games included in the kit include Bingo pages as different sounds are introduced (my 4 yr. old loves these), and Treasure Hunt games that use clues and riddles to encourage readers to move to new levels of reading.
If you have a child that is easily distracted, a rocket peeker is included that has a small window to show only the sound/word your child is reading. Decorating it themselves is an added bonus!

Do you have a child that is frustrated because the English language has so many words that don't sound like they look? Well, Rocket Phonics encourages children by giving them a chance to see the word as it looks as well as how it sounds.
In addition to the kit you receive in the mail you will be richly rewarded with 28 weekly emails that include the following:
Super Spelling Strategy: This multi-sensory several-step approach is nearly foolproof. This is a combination of steps from spelling specialists that combines visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning.
Beginning Writers’ Lessons: Perfect for kindergarten or first grade, these 12 guided lessons teach your child to write a good, organized paragraph. Each comes with a bit of instruction, like start each sentence with a capital letter or use a period to show the end of a statement.
Additional games (Bingo, Treasure Hunts,Simon Says,and riddles)
Extra reading practice for grades pre K-6 (fiction, non-fiction and poetry)
The price is right for Rocket Phonics! You can pay the price of $160 upfront or make 3 payments of $53.34.
Each Rocket Phonics kit comes with:
2 Rocket Phonics Readers
Two sets of symbol cards
Bingo chips
Word lists for testing
Helpful teaching tips
(and don't forget all the email bonuses!)
Ordering is easy!
Call 888-377-4664, or Contact Them:Rocket Phonics,P.O. Box 1411,Vista, CA 92085-1411
or email drphonics@rocketphonics.com.
Have you tried Rocket Phonics? I would love to hear from you!
Very nice-I passed on this one-too many changes lately and the kid was getting confused. So was I-LOL! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteFM Sheri