'Bertie's War' by Barbara Tifft Blakey takes you back in time to the year of 1962 through the eyes of a seventh grade girl named Bertie. Bertie is already a fearful girl and now as she faces the changes taking place in her and the world around her she is in a constant state of turmoil trying to do right yet always managing to get herself into embarrassing situations.
I enjoyed the book but will probably wait to share it with my kids till they have made it through the initial roller coaster of emotions that life's changes bring to young teenagers. I believe at that time they could look back and laugh at their awkwardness instead of focusing on the fear of change.
Bertie's War would be a useful tool in a history unit study on nuclear war and the Cuban Missile Crisis. It introduces the idea of bomb shelters and a project could be done with kids putting together an emergency kit and teaching them some essential survival skills.
There is a surprise ending regarding the inner war raging in Bertie's heart and mind that is thought provoking and challenging to anyone that might read it.
An aspect I really appreciated about Bertie's War is it encourages respect to parents and elders, and upholds Christian family values.
I received the book, Bertie's War to review for TOS Homeschool Crew. The book is published by Kregel Publications and may be purchased for $7.99.
This book was sent to me free of charge for review purposes.
Hi, this is Barbara Blakey, the author of Bertie's War. Thank you for your encouraging review. I appreciate the time you took to read and comment on my book. It's my first attempt at fiction, and I've been eager to know what readers think.