The Quarter Mile Math program by Barnum Software is another awesome product I have had the privilege of using with my family. In fact I have been using it myself to brush up on math skills that needed some dusting off.

This program to me takes the concept of using flash cards to a whole new level. The purpose of this software is to help students make their math skills second nature. Young and old students have so much fun they don't realize that it is the same as timed drills done on paper. The program uses riderless horses and dragsters which speed up as the right answers are given. There is sound available for each of the events if a player wants that. The top 5 average times are saved for each player and a player can compare just his scores or compare his scores to other siblings/friends.

My 6 year old has gone from having no computer skills to being able to click on the program from desktop all the way to being able to play a game! The first couple of days all he wanted to do was the easiest skills so I pushed just a little for him to try harder skills and soon he was asking me if he could try different skills. Redd prefers to not hear the horses galloping or the cars racing and keeps a close eye on whether or not he is getting faster.
My 4 yr. old is totally different! He loves the sound effects and takes his sweet time finding the numbers or letters on the keyboard but has definitely improved on knowing where the numbers are. There were even a few numbers that he has been getting mixed up when we are doing 'bookwork' and they are no longer an issue!
When my 2 yr. old walks by the computer he says 'horse?' or 'game?'. So I start the game and guide his fingers to the number and try to get him to repeat the numbers after me.

Dixie, my 10 yr. old is in public school during the week and with us on the weekends so she will be brushing up on her speed in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
I have used the program myself and my kids think it is cool to see me type fast and really love it when they can tell I have a slower time! There are even a couple of skills like base 2 and base 10 that I honestly do not remember learning but am challenged to learn when I get a chance.
The software is available for purchase in several different ways in order to suit your families needs.
Quarter Mile Math Deluxe Bundle
: You choose the subscription fee of:
--- $2.95 per family per month
--- $19.95 per family for one year (save $15.45 over one year) and
--- $34.95 per family for two years (save $35.85 over two years).
Quarter Mile Math Standard Bundle (Grades K-9)
--- $89.95 (covers 300+ topics and over 70,000 problems)
And Guess What?
Quarter Mile is offering a discount for my readers!
Get $5 off any product (Standard or Deluxe)until September 30, 2009. Simply type the code-
-in the "Referral Code" section of the order form.
Go here to see what your family might be interested in. I personally was sent the Deluxe Version which for some reason was not agreeing with my computer so the company sent the Standard Version overnight for me to try and that worked! The Quarter Mile Math website provides a comparison chart for the Deluxe vs. Standard versions.
I was very impressed with customer service. I received prompt return emails and phone calls! It is always nice to talk to a live person!
The website also features helpful resources for homeschooling and teachers such as printable progress charts, a tips and info newsletter, and instructions on how to hold 'tournaments' with family members or friends. The program can also be used by public and private schools.
This software is also unique because it integrates all learning styles and is effective for a wide variety of students such as Title 1, gifted, special ed., grade level, etc. The skills covered are ones students will most likely encounter in grades k-9.
So, rev up your engine or saddle up your horse and head on over to The Quarter Mile Math site, watch a demo, and take a look around!
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