Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Running Shoes Opportunity

Become A Lab Rat
If you are a runner 18 or older you might be interested in this opportunity.  The company Brooks has a program called 'Become A Lab Rat' that offers free shoes to try out.
Here are the terms:
Must agree to all terms of the Wear Tester Agreement

Agrees to return shoes upon request
Must live in the United States and be able to receive packages delivered by FedEx (Due to import/export duty and trade restrictions we are unable to ship testing product outside the U.S.)
Knows personal gait category and running shoe size (if not, please visit a running specialty store to be fitted before you apply)
Must be 18 or older
Must have regular access to the internet and a valid e-mail address
Able to provide detailed, helpful, and timely feedback effectively via email or phone
Agrees to use shoes only for running during testing (no yard work, rock climbing, etc.)
Wants to create a better Brooks shoe!

Go here for more information.
If you try this out please let me know how it goes!

Happy Be Humble Day!

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