Saturday, June 19, 2010

Simply Go-Gurt Review and Giveaway

Discover the newest tasty, wholesome snack - one that both moms and kids can happily agree on - available now in the dairy case!

I recently had the chance to try out a box of Simply Go-gurt and my kids loved it! It's their new after-supper treat!

My Blog Spark has been generous enough to offer one of my readers a "Simplify Your Life" prize pack that includes a coupon for a free box of Simply Go-Gurt, a pocket Etch a Sketch, weekly planner and a seat back organizer.

If you would like the chance to win one of these prize packs 'simply' do one or more of the following:
1. Let me know you subscribe to this site.
2. Be a follower.
3. Follow me on twitter @onceuponaqpon
4. Follow me on facebook @ Once Upon A Qpon
5. You can earn 1 chance each for writing about this giveaway on twitter, facebook or your own blog.
6. List this giveaway on another site that lists giveaways.
7. Answer the following question: What is your favorite flavor of yogurt? Mine is vanilla.
This giveaway will end on June 28, 2010 at 11: 00 P.M. eastern time.
Read and click below for more great savings!

The products and prize pack I reviewed above were provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review by Yoplait through My Blog Spark.